We live in the picturesque hills of a rural township of Boolarra in South Gippsland on 25 Hectares (65Acres) .
We run beef cattle on the property as well as a couple of retired racehorses for our daughter Meaghan and of course the large family of our beloved Golden Retrievers
Wayne and I have been enthusiasts of showing and breeding of Golden Retrievers since 1990, in that time we have had many home grown Australian Champions. We continue to strive for excellence in type and temperament for all the Golden Retrievers that we breed and show. We always consider all aspects of the prospective matings that we perform so that we produce quality, happy, healthy, true to type Golden Retriever Puppies. Waikipark kennels is situated in the Strezlecki Ranges on 65 acres of undulating farm land. We have an assortment of animals that keep us busy, 2 horses, 1 sheep, 2 cats, chickens and aviary birds. To add to the mix we also run a beef farm, and raise our own replacements by hand rearing calves. All our children, all adults now also have a deep love of Golden Retrievers, Rebecca our eldest daughter continues to show our dogs for us in the ring, as well as campaigning her own young dog, under her own prefix of Clarelyn Kennels. Our son Steven lives in Bunyip area and is a building Supervisor for Simmonds , but still maintains an active interest in the goldies. Meaghan our youngest daughter still lives at home, and works as A Law Clerk in Traralgon she keeps the home and farm running smoothly when Wayne and I take the dogs away for shows or go oversea on holidays.
Wayne has retired from working in the power industry for 34 years, Vicki is also retired, most of her time is taken up with caring for the farm and the Goldens